Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yesterday in the car Alaura proudly announced "Mommy I'm getting Married!" "You're getting Married?" I said "Yep, I'm getting married in the Temple!" I can't believe how she catches on to things sometimes. We have a picture of the LA temple in our dining area, and I told her once that it was a temple and that's where Mommy and Daddy got Married and she grasped on to it...
She also recently took to the word "Boo-ya!" She cracks me up! She talks in full sentences now and picks up on big words. She says I accidentally did this! Or Mommy I actually flew did you see? Yesterday we went to a swimming activity for Moms and their kiddos at a members house and she jumped off the diving board!! I'm amazed at all the things she's doing!
She decided out of the blue almost a week ago that she was done taking naps! This has been really hard on both of us because she REALLY needs more sleep, and I really need the time to get stuff done...Hopefully it's just a phase, but I'm not fighting it right now, we're trying to help my family and Nap time just gets in the way. They're all staying with us for a couple of nights next week, so there's no use trying to get her back onto the schedule until after life gets back to normal.
Well, I'll post some pictures and try to catch up better soon!


Amberly said...

Daphne quit napping so long ago. It's been so hard. But to help make it easier, I just have her help me do whatever I would have done while she was asleep. She loves helping so much, so I guess it works. We're moving in 27 days!

Gwen said...

Kids do say the funiesst things, so Alaura is growing past naps?

Johnson Family said...

I am so glad my kids are not the only ones that keep me on my toes! Saidey has learned how to say her name, so evrything is Saidey's. Saidey's shoes, Saidey's purse, Saidey's belly, it is quite cute. Hailey told me the other day that she can not wait until she is older so we will buy her a four wheeler and she can cruise the town. The things they get in their heads

The Brann's said...

Kids say they cutest things. Ryker's really into saying "actually". It cracks me up!!

The only time Ryker gets naps is if we're in the car, or on the days he goes to daycare. I kinda hate it if he takes naps during the day....they he doesn't want to sleep and night...dirves me crazy!!