Monday, July 28, 2008

Terrible, Horrible, No good, very bad day!!!!

I got bit by a bug or something on Saturday while helping my parents with their packing, and when I woke up on Sunday it was all red and swollen and warm to the touch. This morning when I woke up My fingers were so swollen I couldn't get my ring to budge and my arm neck and shoulder were so sore!!!! So, I called the Dr to schedule an apt. It was 8:30 I was in my PJ's and they told me the only available apt was at 8:45! So I ran out of the house with alaura our hair not fixed teeth not brushed just plain old not ready and stinky!!! Alaura didn't want to get in the car and was kicking and screaming at me not to touch her...we got there at 8:55! I filled out all of the paperwork, and got in for my apt pretty quick while in there the Dr asked me when the last time I had a tetanus shot my left arm is also stiff now from the shot! I can hardly move either arm with out hurting really bad. He said he thought it was a spider bite and that it was a pretty bad infection so he put me on antibiotics. Then we headed to the Library...closed! Then we ran to a fabric store so I could pick up some material for baby 40% off coupon had expired! Then we went to the downtown library (Alaura has been asking for a week now) while we were in the car she started hopping around in her car seat saying that she needed to go I told her "hold it until we get to the library. When we get to the library you can go potty, ok?" We pulled up to the library, I jumped out of the car ran to the other side flung open the door and she said "Are we at the library?" "Yep" I said...then she said "Ok I let it go now" AND SHE PEED ALL OVER HER SELF AND THE CARSEAT! I guess I did tell her that when we got to the library she could go! We ran into the library and I kept her standing up and wouldn't let her touch anything, grabbed the 20 books we wanted! ran to check them out and while I was waiting in line I started feeling really sick, while the lady was checking out my books I had to run to the bathroom dragging alaura behind me kicking and screaming at me not to touch her again! I finally got out of the Library and went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription and it was $50!!!! I couldn't believe it! Any way, I'm finally starting to feel better. But today really wasn't a very good day :( Hopefully it'll get better!!!!!


Alisa said...

Oh my gosh! What an awful day!! You poor thing, and now you have a lovely car seat to clean. I hope your swelling and soreness goes down!

Gwen said...

Wow! That sure was a bad day. ope you are feeling better, and that the days are going better and all is healing well. I guess we all get our turns to have those kind of days.

The Brann's said...

I'm so sorry you had a bad day. It was quite humorous though!! Hopefully you get feeling better, and the spider bite doesn't cause any more problems!!

Johnson Family said...

We have had those kind of days at our house. Luckily they are few and far between! I had a cold sore on my chin right after I had the baby and it looked nasty, so I asked my ob for a perscription. It was a little tiny tube and cost $40.00, I was so upset, but it did work. I hope you feel better soon.

Lisa Miller said...

Wow Brooke!! Definately not a good day. The peeing part had to be the worst. I'm glad you're feeling better.

Amberly said...

That is probably the worst day I could ever imagine!

Daphne peed while sitting in her stroller in the metro in D.C. because there were no bathrooms. There was nothing I could do, so she just went. Way embarrassing.