Friday, March 14, 2008

"I want more gum!!!"

*We don't let Alaura put that much gum in her mouth...Eric found her sitting on the couch and called me in so I grabbed the camera. We took almost all of it from her right after recording this. But she does love her gum!!!!


Krystal said...

That's so funny, It crazy the amount they little kids can fit in there mouths.

The Brann's said...

I'm surprised she hasn't choked on that yet. I don't think that much would fit in MY mouth....and everyone know I have a big mouth!!!

Merrimom said...

Hey! Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog! I'm just starting to look for people I know on other peoples blogs. I didn't even get to really say hi to you when the boys and I were there right after Christmas. Alaura is sooooo cute! I look forward to watching your adorable family. I love your blog!

Amberly said...

you are braver than i to let her chew on gum!

The Liddells said...

Okay, so I think that these kinds of things is what makes josh want 7 kids...we laughed really hard. She is soooooo cute. She has really grown up since the last time we saw her. You guys seem to be doing the way. You need to tell Eric that Josh thought the coyote skin in his office was the coolest thing ever...they are so much alike.

Lisa Miller said...

Wow, that's a lot of gum. Luckily my kids never put that much in. And they love gum. This is classic. I'm glad you recorded it. How funny!!!

The Liddells said...

You have no idea. We are one of the only ones that have a normal color of house. They have bright blue bright green bright purple houses. We are just like a little subdivision in the middle of a huge neighborhood. All of the houses around us are like mansions and then there are our little 1300 square foot homes. They said they wanted our part to stand out...they sure achieved that. But as long as my house is normal looking, it's fine with me.

Kendra said...

I just watched the video. That was to funny, I can't believe she didn't choke.