Friday, March 14, 2008

Eric's new loves (beware animal lovers)

Here's the work bench that Eric built recently. This thing is probably the sturdiest thing in the entire house (That and the bed frame Eric and his Dad made) I'll get a better picture of the work bench soon

This is the skin of the coyote Eric got a couple months ago. It's in his cubicle at work so he can see it every day. Alaura was sad to see it go, she loved caring it around while saying "I love my coi-yoty" (yuck!!!!)


The Brann's said...

Looks like he's quite the handy man...that's gotta be nice!!!

Amberly said...

oh my gosh- i laughed so hard. first of all- nice work bench. second of all, that whole coyote thing made me laugh. i can't believe he put it up in his cubicle, and i can't believe alaura carried it around! that is hilarious. and those soda bottles in eric's cubicle is hilarious too. he must really like those...