Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby's, Bubbles, and Bouncing...oh my!!!

Our friends Thayer and Justin had a baby boy on the 14th!! They were awesome to let us come and visit them in the Hospital. Alaura loved holding him (so did I...I'm soooo baby hungry!!!)She also loved playing with the latex gloves!!!!

What a cutie!!!

She loves bubbles, but I get tired of blowing them for her, so I got her a bubble "gun" It works really well.

Alaura and I met Randisue and her kiddos at "Pump it up"


Wyatt (what a big boy!!!)

Alaura and Kimberly


All those bouncers and they wanted to play with the car!!!!

She wanted a "Micky mouse club's our attempts at it...

She really liked hiding out in it

Eric and Alaura love playing when he gets home from work...It's pretty funny to see.

Here's Alaura dressed up as herself (Snow White) She still insists that she's Snow White...maybe I should pull out her birth certificate to show her that she's Alaura... :^)


Amberly said...

what a cute post! i love all the pictures!

Amberly said...

oh, and i LOVE that picture with the bubbles, very artsy!

The Brann's said...

We have "forts" like that around our house all the time. I think that's my kids favorite thing to do. I'm glad it's been warm enough for them to play outside blankets have all stayed in the closet!!

Alisa said...

Fun times! I have to agree, the bubble shot is adorable. I clicked on it to make it bigger and I loved it even more. You should enter a photo contest!

Lisa Miller said...

The bubble picture is awesome. I agree, definately contest worthy. How fun! Cute baby too. I love to see how Daddy's play with their kids. It's hysterical. I'm not as good as Daddy.

James and Kresta said...

Those pictures are adorable! I love the bubble picture and the one of alaura in the air. I am sorry that you are baby hungry... have you got the ok from the doctors to try again?