Monday, November 19, 2007

Well, i forgot to update about my hcg levels... two weeks ago they dropped from 25 to 18 and last week they dropped to 14!!! I have to go in on Wednesday this week since Thursday is thanksgiving. I'm excited to be done with all of the testing. Alaura's been such a good girl about it though. We wait in the waiting room for 30 min to 2 hours at least once a week, then she sits next to me while i get my blood drawn. We call it getting a bracelet when they put the rubber band around my arm, and she calls the needle Mommy's jewelry. As soon as we walk into the lab she asks one of the techs for a sticker. They all know her and call her their sticker baby. She walks around like she owns the place. After I get the blood work done we play on the elevator for a little while She love pushing the buttons and looking out the window while proclaiming "Up" or "down" depending on which one we're doing. In fact she's run into elevator without me, so I have to be really quick when it's time to leave,then we go to a park that's near by. She's been a really good girl the last few months. Hopefully by Christmas I'll be done...

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