Saturday, December 27, 2008

Third time's a charm...

Or something like that. Well, I haven't posted much lately because I had another kidney stone!!!! That's right. three in two months! I went in to the Dr because I was pretty sure that I had another one, they told me to take pain killers and try and see if I could pass it on my own at home instead of checking into the hospital after a horrible painful night I believe that I passed my second stone!
On the brighter side though the Dr said that I'm dilated close to a 2!!! So at least I'm progressing finally! I have an appointment on Tuesday to see how I'm progressing, hopefully it wont be too much longer. She's growing so fast! I'm nervous she's going to be huge! All I know is she's in my kidneys more and more every day!!!
I'll do a Christmas post soon. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!


Johnson Family said...

WoW! I can't imagine three in a row. Little Sydney is making sure she comes out with bang! Hang in there you are so close and good luck with the delivery.

Gwen said...

Sorry to hear that you had another kidney stone, hopefully you did pass it. Hope you appointment goes well and all is on going along fine.

Jami said...

I hope she comes soon!!! You have gone through enough... yikes

chloe's clan said...

I've had 2 kidney stones in the past 3 years and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I can't imagine being pregnant and having one!! I am so sorry you have to go through that. I hope the birth will aleviate the stones so you can enjoy your new baby! Good luck and take care. P.S. I didn't comment on the c-section thing but I haven't had one and I would try to avoid if possible. It depends on how things go though so perhaps one day at a time. :)

James and Kresta said...

wow, how awful! I hope you don't have to deal with kidney stones with your next pregnancies!