Friday, December 12, 2008

Quick question

I have a quick question for those of you who've had a C-section. My Dr mentioned doing a c-section and i kinda freaked out and told him that I wanted to just be induced. But the more I think about it I'm nervous about the amount of pain that I'll be in due to the large Kidney stone residing in my left kidney. Even braxton hicks send my body into so much pain...So my question it this...What's the recovery like after a C-section? How would you compare it to a vaginal delivery? Would it be worth knowing that I'll be able to have her three weeks early vs two vaginally? I'm not sure what to do. Sometimes I feel like it's going to be fine, but others I'm not so sure. When I'm in a lot of pain i wonder about weather or not I'll be able to do this.


peter5 said...

I'll see if I can get Bre to respond to this, she has had both. Anna Moyle loved her recovery after the twins. I think she loved the fact that she could sit down. I will direct Bre to you.

Johnson Family said...

First of all since you kind of have a choice I would personally ask your wonderful hubby for a blessing and pray about it. I have had both and I have to say for me I liked my C-sections much better than my vaginal delivery. I feel like I recovered faster and I did not take anything but Tylenol.I was so sick after I had Hailey from the epidural and the cramping was so much worse. My first C-section with Saidey was not planned and I was so scared, because of the horor stories I had heard, but it was nothing like that. The second one went so fast and the recovery was even better(I even had staples with both). The two things that were the hardest for me were not being able to hold the baby right away and the itching from the morphine spinal(benedryl worked). With Saidey I would not have been able to hold her any way, because she went to the NICU and Paxon they brought to me in the recovery room shortly after he was born so I could nurse him, but it was not the same as them handing Hailey to me as soon as she was born. If you do decide the c-section route my suggestion is to get up and moving as soon as they will let you, but don't over do it. Being a nurse I know we encourage movement because it helps the blood flow and healing and since my c-sections I strongly believe it. I hope that helped and that other people share their advice as well so you can make the best decision for you.

Kathryn said...

With my first, I had a c-section. Based on that, I would never want another one. The recovery sucked. I couldn't walk for a couple days and couldn't even stand up straight for a couple weeks. Sneezing and coughing was painful. I could not imagine that combined with caring for a toddler.

With the second, I had a VBAC. It was so much better. I could walk that evening and was just about back to normal after a few days. No pain relief needed afterward.

Everyone is different, but I would suggest trying to avoid the c-section, especially if you want more kids. The risk of complications go up if you have had a prior c-section, even if you have a repeat section, there are still risks.

Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said...

A C-section is a big deal, and I think it is all TOO popular these days. I'd avoid one unless my baby was in serious jeopardy. Plus, I would want my baby in me as long as possible. You should just get the epidural, get a blessing, and hope that the kidney stone issue sits back.
People have small families these days, so that is why doctors don't stress the complications of pregnancies and deliveries after a cesarian section. It varies by person, but I'd still avoid it.

Johnson Family said...

This has been on my mind since I read it and if I were you I would try mt hardest to have the vaginal birth. Although I liked my c-section experieces, I would have liked to have had the chance for the vaginal delivery to see if the second or third one was better than the first and the bonding issue like I told you before. In my nursing career I have seen too many complications with VBACS that I personally opted not to do it, but the c-section is a major sugery and can have complications of its own. Please don't make a hasty decision!!!

Lisa Miller said...

I personally have no experience in this, but I've heard people say they'd do a c-section again. Anna Moyle didn't think it was that bad. I know of people who think it's harder to lose the belly later after a c-section, but if you can get out of pain faster, I'd probably do it.

McGinnis Family said...

I've had both kinds of deliveries (1 vaginal, 2 c-section). I would do a c-section over a vaginal any day of the week! I have to have c-section, because of my tail bone being backwards. Anyway, yes, the recovery is longer but, a lot easier than what I expected! I was up cruising around not too long after delivery. The key is to getting up, walking around, before your body has time to get too tired and your muscles get too weak. The 2nd C-section was harder, mostly 'cause my stomach muscles weren't prepared to support my like they did with the first c-section. Yes, it's scary because it's unknown but, I love knowing when my baby will come. it's so exciting and you'll be far less tired than if you are induced and labor for a long time.

Alisa said...

Oh my goodness, Brooke. What a story. I finally am without a child needing my attention and could read your blog. I can't believe you have a stone that big, or that you have to have it while preggo. As far as the c-section goes, personally I would avoid one at all costs, given the risks of major surgery. Plus it can limit the number of children an OB will say you can deliver, depending on the particular dr. I would do some thorough research as well as pray to decide. I'm sure it's difficult though, since you are in so much pain w/ contractions. Maybe they'd give you an epidural early though. Anyway, good luck. I hope it turns out well and I"m glad Sydney is doing fine through all of this!

Rocker Chick 411 said...

well hello hello. remember me?? it is i jessie miller. well hows it going?? so you have had some kids but i havent seen you guys since wat the begining of 2006 when juan and camie got married. well alot has changed since youve seen me and im different. well got to go! see ya l8er =).