That's right after almost 20 years of saying that they were going to move in "two more years" They actually made it! It's been bitter sweet. I know that they're going to love it there, but It'll be hard not having them around...especially for alaura. She asks everyday if they've come home yet. She doesn't understand that they aren't coming back.
It was insane getting them moved. They have a lot of stuff and Moving to a different state is very different than across town. We had a few late nights and everyone was over here for dinner and stuff every night. We joked that after all that it would be three weeks before we started missing each other. (2 1/2 weeks and I'll miss you Jami's staying with us for a few weeks so that's been fun. Here are a couple pics of them getting ready to leave.
Mamma and her grand babies
The trailer was packed so high it's amazing that it didn't just crumple under the weight. They did get a flat tire just outside of Vegas though...
They're getting settled in and seem to be happy there. We do miss you guys!
Yea that trailer was packed pretty high. And the big one was sure full. We are glad that they are getting settled in, it will be great to have them here.
It is hard to be away from family! I am only 3 hours from my parents and that is hard. I can not imagine being a state away. Good luck! And remember it is ok to cry after all you are pegnant ;)
That'll be us in two weeks! Except we're renting an enclosed trailer from Uhaul. Hopefully we don't have to go too slow!
I guess you just need to plan your move to Utah now!!! And then convince Camie and Juan to follow behind you.....
I'm sad that they are gone, even though it still doesn't seem real. We've been out of town since they left. But we will probably be moving there in a year or so...So it shouldn't be too bad, and we'll be visiting for thanksgiving. Leyna and I will be there in a few weeks actually, not even long enough to miss them much. =) jk
That's gotta be hard. I don't like living away from my family. I miss them. How did they fit all their stuff in that trailer? I'm impressed. Are they buying all new or what???
Ok, so you have to get me they're information or give them mine somehow. I would love to see your mom. I missed our lunches out wiht Shirley. Please pass along my info or get me hers!! Congrats on the pregnancy!!!
They willl be missed!
I know how hard it must be having them away. I still miss my family the same after 7 years of their departure to Texas.
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