Monday, October 20, 2008

Lots of writing

So, I went to the Dr today and everything is still looking good. Sydney kicks like crazy, in fact she's been kicking me in the ribs for a while now. At our last appt 4 weeks ago she was 22 weeks and measured a little under that around her head (Yay) and 23 1/2 weeks in length on her limbs (she's long and already running out of room in there) Overall, I'm really enjoying this pregnancy, the main complaints I have are my sore tailbone (Ouch!!!) and being tired...but I think a lot of that has to do with my sweet little Alaura not sleeping very well.
It all started a few months ago when Jami was living us, Alaura decided that 6:00 was the best time to wake up because that's when Aunt Jami did (and Alaura didn't want to miss out on anything while Jami was here) Then, about a month after that she decided that she also didn't want to go to sleep when we put her in bed...then naps became a pain too!!! So, Alaura goes to bed around 8:30 but falls asleep around 9:30 or 10:00 and wakes up at 6:00! so, that's like 81/2 hours of sleep...then she may or may not take a nap...Now if she was enjoyable I'd say "I guess she doesn't need the recommended 12 hours of sleep, but that is so not the story!!!!! Then, to make it that much better, about a month ago she started waking up during the night and wondering into my room stating "I took a good nap! I want to watch TV!!!" At 2:30 in the morning. So I walk her into her room kiss her good night and walk out. On a good night she'll go back to sleep, but on the other nights she'll repeat this 3 or 4 more times! Needless to say, I'm exhausted the next day and so is she!!!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it, but she's taking a nap right now and she slept for 9 1/2 hours last night, so Maybe my life will get a little bit more normal. Other than that we're staying busy with preschool ( alaura) work (eric) and photography (me).
Alaura LOVES preschool! She asks me all the time if it's Tuesday or Thursday yet so she can go to preschool. We're doing class pictures next Tuesday, which is going to be so fun and cute! I don't have time to post a bunch of pics right now, but I'll try and catch up with some of the things we've been up to.
I'm so excited for this time of year!!! We're going to our ward Trunk or treat party on Saturday and Trick or treating on Halloween and a party or two somewhere in there! Then, I get to start getting ready for our big craft night at church, Amberly, John and Daphne are coming into town in mid November and right after that we're going to Utah for Thanksgiving!!!! Then Christmas and then a baby!!! Life's so busy and great!


Amberly said...

Oh my gosh! Daphne is doing the exact same thing! I'm just going to email you because it's long.

The Brann's said... will be busy. That's I feel this time of year......Can's b-day, Halloween, Ryk's b-day, Thanksgiving, Chad's b-day, Christmas, New Years, and my b-day. Hopefully like will slow down come mid-January. I'm very glad you guys are coming for Thanksgiving!!!

Lisa Miller said...

Ok, I have strong opinions about kids and their sleeping and naps. I don't mess around w/ that mess. I train my kids so they know they will go to bed and stay in bed and they will have a "rest time" whether they want to or not. I put a gate on Jake's room because he doesn't want to go to sleep either. Sometimes he's awake for a long time, but he doesn't come out and my kids still have rest time. The only one who has to sleep is Jacob. Zach and Aubrey just read or play in their rooms. Jacob comes in my room at night and wants to sleep w/ us, but I take him right back to his room. Good luck with that, I know you'll get her on the right track. Frustrating though.
I'm not sure if you read the post on Janna's blog about the halloween party, but she's moved so it's at her new house, which is 2 houses down from the Phillips.

Johnson Family said...

It seems like your pregnancy has gone by so fast and is getting so close to being over. Glad everything is looking good and I am sure you are way excited.

Alisa said...

I'm sorry about Alaura's sleep issues! That has got to be so hard. I don't think I would be surviving this long if Natalie didn't sleep so well every night. I hear ya on the tailbone pain too--I've had it both pregnancies so far. A horseshoe shaped pillow helped a lot, email me if you want more info on that. Anyway, I hope you get more rest before your 3 tri hits!

Camie, Juan, and Leyna said...

Motherhood is great isn't it?!? At least she is so adorable. =) I'm so sorry for you. I would bot tolerate it as good as you probably. I'm not pregnant and I still feel like I need more than 8 hours of sleep. Luckily Leyna is sleeping really good lately. She has slepy 10 or 11 hours straight through and then does a quick feeding and goes back down for about 2 more hours. The only problem with that is I don't get to sleep that early...usually midnight. I hope she does better by the time Sydney comes. I can't wait to see her! I'm so excited for a little baby again!

The Liddells said...

Certainly sounds exhausting! I guess that's why I don't have kids!