So, I have a question for those of you out in blog country. A good friend of mine offered to through me a baby shower next month, and after some persuading I agreed to it. Don't get me wrong I would LOVE to have one, I just worry about what other people are going to think with this being girl #2.
Before you start thinking about what a horrible person i am I have to explain a few things...When we had Alaura we were dirt poor. In fact we could barley pay our bills let alone buy stuff for our new little girl. So we borrowed almost everything. We were fortunate enough to have my in laws help out with a stroller and car seat, and a friend gave us her crib, and my parents got us a glider...anything else we borrowed. Plus Alaura was born as the weather was warming up and Sydney is due during the dead of winter, so I'm trying to buy winter clothes for both girls. We've been very fortunate to have Eric's job, and normally I think we'd be ok to buy the things we absolutely need, but my trip to the hospital has really put us behind.
I'm not expecting a huge shower, or tons of stuff, I'd love the fellowship and support of my new ward and friends, and of course anything would help.
Now, here's my question...If you received an invitation to to my shower (or another person in a similar situation) would you be offended or upset?
I never asked for a shower, nor was I expecting one, but now that she's offered I'd like to do it. But I'm petrified of offending people. What do you think? And please remember that I'm a pregnant very emotional person right now.